Kevin Tulod

My name is Kevin, and I am a software engineer specializing in iOS, and web development. I am originally from New York, but somehow wandered off and now live in the D.C. area.

I have far more interests than I can attend to, but still manage to enjoy the simple pleasures of life (of course I refer to photography, foreign language study, world travel, and the company of long-time friends). I am an electrical engineer by training (Cooper Union EE'12), entrepreneur by will, and software engineer by sheer coincidence.

Over the years I've helped large and small companies reach their consumer base by developing iOS apps, building web backend APIs to support mobile app development, and creating mobile-web frontend interfaces. I have also taught iOS development at my alma mater's continuing education program, and am continuing my own studies in electrical engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

I believe that software and visual design work together to create a more complete experience. If you need a programmer that will simply get the job done, then maybe I'm not your guy. If you are looking for an engineer that will provide feedback on clean user interface design and intuitive user experience in addition to developing sleek software, then we're already on the same page.

Business Ventures
EchoVey Shopfolio
EchoVey Poll
EchoVey ~ Shop With Your Social Circle

Co-Founder and iOS Development Lead

EchoVey brings the benefits of an online social circle into shopping experience.

Create a portfolio of items you are considering for purchase, poll your friends for personalized feedback, and comment on your friends' shopping goals.

Learn more at

Previous Positions and Clients
Hackerati Logo
The Hackerati/Software Engineer (Web Frontends and APIs for Mobile Apps)

The Hackerati is an Engineering as a Service consulting firm based in Manhattan specializing in Web, Mobile, Big Data, Analytics, Machine Learning, NLP, and embedded systems.

Main Client: The Huffington Post

InDorse Logo
InDorse Technologies/iOS Development Consultant

InDorse is a software security company specializing in solutions for tracking file distribution. InDorse Call-Home allows users to track each file open of PDF and Office documents that are shared from your mobile device.

Call-Home Login
Call-Home Details
Cooper Logo
Cooper Union/Continuing Education Instructor (Building Apps for Mobile Devices)

Instructor of Building Apps for Mobile Devices course at Cooper Union's Continuing Education department. Topics included getting started with iOS Development, the Xcode IDE, Objective-C, building web-enabled apps for iOS, basic principles of mobile UX, and concurrency.

Course offered in Fall 2012 and Fall 2013.

Upcoming Projects: Yours.
You Logo
Do you have an idea for the next great app? Let's talk.

I specialize in iOS app development, web frontends, and web backends. Whether you are a well-established business or are new to the industry, I will help you get your next idea off the ground and into the hands of your customers.